UMAPs Statement in Response to the RCP Recommendations to Council document released 21/05/2024
Dear Dr Clarke FRCP, UMAPS would like to thank Dr Hilary Williams FRCP, and the post-RCP EGM short-life working group team for their efforts in participating. We appreciate your recognition of the difficult year PAs have endured since the DoctorsVote has led a...
UMAPs Statement on RCGP Physician Associate Survey
On April 22, 2024, the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) sent a survey to its members to collect views and experiences regarding Physician Associates (PAs). United Medical Associate Professionals (UMAPs) recognise the RCGP's need to better understand the...
UMAPs Statement Regarding Change in BMA Stance on Scope of Practice Position Statement
UMAPs has heavily campaigned against the attempted infliction of the BMA scope of practice guidelines since its publication. Our response to this document was carefully curated and released here. We engaged with all stakeholders regarding the current situation over...
UMAPs Open Letter regarding National Health Service England Publication “Ensuring safe and effective integration of Physician Associates into general practice teams through good practice”
Dear Professor Sir Stephen Powis, Dr Navina Evans and Dr Claire Fuller, UMAPs wishes to take the opportunity to acknowledge NHS England’s (NHSE) work and dedication regarding their communications on the safe and effective integration of Physician Associates (PAs) in...
UMAPS media reaction for RCP vote on PAs. 25 March 2024
UMAPS, the professional association for physician associates (PAs), regrets the votes announced by members of the Royal College of Physicians looking at the future role of PAs in the NHS at an Extraordinary General Meeting held on 13 March. Stephen Nash, UMAPS...
Final Verified Impact Survey Assessment Data
UMAPS recently carried out a survey into the effects that media reports and abusive social media posts are having on the lives and work of physician associates. After verification there were 448 valid submissions comprising eight anaesthesia associates (AA’s)...
Medical Associate Professionals State of the Workforce Revealed
UMAPs is an organisation created in November 2023 to unite the 3 strands of the Medical Associate Professions: Physician Associates, Anaesthesia Associates and Surgical Care Practitioners, after a noticeable uptick in negative press and social media posts. MAPs have...
UMAPs Position Statement Regarding Unilateral BMA Imposition of Scope on MAP Workforce
UMAPs deems that it is inappropriate for a union, that does not represent MAPs, to unilaterally redefine and attempt to impose a scope of practice on another profession, and as such the BMA are acting outside of their remit. This document was produced without...
Urgent UMAPs Statement on House of Lords Vote on Draft Anaesthesia Associates and Physician Associates Order 2024
UMAPS, the professional association that represents Medical Associate Professionals (MAPs) and will form the first MAP trade union in the UK, today greatly welcomes the vote in the House of Lords that paves the way for regulation of MAPs by the General Medical...
Rebuttal Telegraph Article from 27/01/24
We write on behalf of United Medical Associate Professionals to correct untrue, biased, and damaging information reported in your 27/01/24 article titled ‘Physician associates accused of illegally prescribing drugs and missing diagnoses’ (1). We request an...
Rebuttal: BBC News reports from 13/06/22 and 21/11/23
An open letter on behalf of United Medical Associate Professionals members across the UK, BBC News reports from 13/06/22, and 21/11/23 regarding Physician Associates We write on behalf of United Medical Associate Professionals to correct misleading and potentially...
Rebuttal: ITV News Report 12/12/2023
An open letter on Behalf of Medical Associate Professionals members across the UK, ITV NEWS REPORT 12/12/2023 ON BMA SURVEY ON ROLE OF PHYSICIAN ASSOCIATES AND ANAESTHESIA ASSOCIATES We write as representatives of United Medical Associate Professionals (UMAPs) to...